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“In this life, we work so hard to get the kinks out, we forget to put the peaks in.” – Chip Heath, The Power of Moments We were at a lovely restaurant last Wednesday night with white tablecloths, and some sincere people who matter a lot to us. We were surprised by who was in…


A few hours ago, I sat across a fast-food table from my 8-year-old drinking a peppermint chip milkshake.  (My original idea was to eat healthy before Thanksgiving tomorrow, but plans changed.) We were on a lunch date. He wanted to bring a deck of Empathy Cards, which is a kind of game, like table topics.…


Last Sunday afternoon, we were setting down plates and moving serving dishes from the kitchen to the table. My 8-year-old said, “Mom, why do we only have lunch together on Sundays?” “What do you mean?” I asked. “I mean, like, we don’t eat lunch together on Saturdays or any other day…we just come in and…

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